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Sunday, January 1, 2017

Angloville: Get a free TEFL certification in exchange for chatting in English in Central/Eastern Europe

Last time, I told you about my experience with an online TEFL course, but maybe you want something a bit different. Angloville is a cool program that a friend of mine did and highly recommends. Basically, you (a native English speaker who may or may not have a certification or experience) apply/volunteer to spend a few days to a few weeks chatting in English (NOT teaching formally, just hanging out) with some folks who want to improve their English
and paid a bunch of money to do so. In exchange for hanging out with different people all day, Angloville puts you up in a fancy hotel in Poland, Hungary, Romania, or the Czech Republic, gives you a free tour, free meals, and otherwise treats you real nice. You can wander around the lovely fancy hotel grounds with your English-learning pal, get some drinks, maybe even splash around lavishly in a lavish pool. My friend claims that the people who you talk to are real nice, too, and it's basically just a big fun hangout party. The only potential problem is that you are scheduled basically all day long, from breakfast to late night, so if you go with another English-speaking pal/husband/wife, you may not really see them for most of the day.

Now how does this get you certified? Well, Angloville has partnered with an online TEFL certification provider, Premier TEFL, and if you apply and get accepted, they'll pay for your online TEFL course in exchange for you doing three weeks of Angloville. You do have to pay a £15 fee, but that's pretty reasonable considering you get treated like a prince for three weeks and get a certification for not only a 120-hour course, but also for 210 hours of "teaching." Sounds pretty fancy to me! Angloville is relatively well-known, too, so having that on your resume would definitely help. Check it out here!

Angloville also offers a short weekend business English TEFL certification course, but it looks like it costs £304, which is not free. I think it used to be free, though, so maybe that will change. Who knows.

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