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A crash course in how to fly from the US to Europe for under $200

Hey, blog-o-pals! I thought I would make a nice user-friendly basic guide on how to fly between Europe and the US for under $200 each way, s...

Friday, March 11, 2016

East Coast to San Diego for $175 ROUND TRIP!

There's an amazing sale on right now with United Airlines, an Actual Fancy Non-Discount Airline! $175 round trip from various East Coast locations to San Diego. Whaaaat. This is unheard of! HOP ON IT.

WowAir summer sale! $99 US to Europe!

WowAir's summer sale just started, and it will probably sell out fast. $99 Baltimore or Boston to Iceland, and $129 back (so that's $228 round trip), all taxes included. $189 to the UK and Europe.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

$81 NYC to Costa Rica, but also Zika virus

Jetblue and Delta are having a great sale right now, with $81 one-way flights to Liberia, Costa Rica. I've been there once, and it is just about everything you would imagine a tropical paradise to be,